New Meridian Arts is a creative community dedicated to publishing innovative literature and poetry that gives voice to original writers of talent and scope around the world.
Quarantine Songs
by Carmen Firan and Adrian Sangeorzan
"Come on, let’s make love on the beach
I know, lying on the sand and swimming are forbidden
and that’s exactly why
let’s make love in a hurry between two waves
until police arrive to pull us out
we’d be so deeply inside each other
they won’t be able to separate us
the tattoo on my shoulder will be on yours
two long wings
your breasts melded in my palms
will be so intimidating
that no authority could fail to recognize
that humanity will be barren without them
with no milk, no credible buoy
in this absurd war
that has locked us in our homes
as in asylums for peaceable lunatics
who take their pills
tidy up their memories three times a day
and at night are allowed to walk imaginary dogs
who bark digitally at the moon.
Hurry, let’s run away while we’re still inside each other
before they forbid flying on our backs."
— Adrian Sangeorzan

"What’s left to chance for us
and what to an arrow’s choice
when time tangles its strings its tricks
turning the promised future
into a grain of sand
"how much of yesterday will be in tomorrow
and how much remains with us today
the light thins out
or else the darkness thickens
around the heart
planet of dreams pulsing in sleeplessness
"when does the countdown turn into a verdict
numbers jumble
strings knot themselves around the neck.
"Time is a grain of sand.
Nothing more."
— Carmen Firan